Looking for travelers…


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

This quote comes from one of the most entertaining and reputed writers of all time. When I read this, I forget all the things that may accompany a travel: risk, boredom, tough life, strange people and on top of everything- home sickness.  I don’t know what will happen in future and, frankly, no body else knows it either. There have been many instances when I asked my friends to travel together and 95% of the times I was forced to realize that I was the only pathetic  jobless guy in this world. Most of them were always having deadlines to finish, work to do and their leaves were either finished or they were kept as reserve for a visit to home. Nearly everybody is always having some urgent things to do… looks like no work in their lives is less important than urgent work. Years pass, months pass and days pass [I was counting them from present to past ] and they are stuck in same web of busy life. People are always busy in making plans for future(by saving money and leaves) .. they are busy in present and they will be busy in future too. For them, the future is always something elusive and present they don’t care about.

I like to think in opposite way!! Present is important so I enjoy it. Future will anyways be present at some point of time so I will enjoy that too. Why to worry now for future and spoil the present? 😉 As a result,  when I find myself getting bored, I take my bag and go out to explore something new. Yes, I am alone most of times (because of the reasons mentioned above) but then this single status provides ample opportunities to mingle with new characters. I have done that many times and in the process, I met several new and interesting people.

Now, because I travel so much and gather so many experiences, I feel I should write them down and exchange the first hand information with others who may want to travel to the place which has already been visited by me. But there comes the mental obstacle- I lack enough motivation to write everything down(some of my half-completed travel stories on this blog are proof of that). I know, if there were more people like me, who want to explore the world and exchange information, I would be more motivated to keep up my travel writing work. I could also start a travel journal online which would serve as authentic information source for real life stories and trivia. This is only possible if I have more co-writers to keep up this type of journal.

And that brings me to the main aim of this post: I am looking for enthusiastic people who share the same passion for travel and who would be glad to share their experiences on my proposed travel journal. So, if you are interested, please comment on this post with your email and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Hope to hear from some of you at least!!!